
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Chinese: due tomorrow
  • 习字
English: due tomorrow.
  • I am pushing the deadline for the 2 diary entries for our E-diary to tomorrow. Some of you have submitted your pieces. If you have not done so, please have them ready by tomorrow. Refer to yesterday's blog post for the topics.
Art: due next week, 21st Feb
  • Vanda Miss Joaquim sketch in your sketchboook. This is only for those who have yet to get my ok signal for the upcoming task (printing).
  • I must also add that I am very disappointed that only 29 of you managed to submit your Art Doodle task today. For the 10 who have yet to submit, I need your Doodle Art before you are allowed to do the Vanda Miss Joaquim printing task.


  1. Mr Kamsari thank you for reminding us. Happy rainbow day to alll of you.

  2. I Forgot..Must we have two finger spacing before we start writhing our E-diary entries ?

    1. Good to have. Remember to write in paragraphs.

  3. Yes, just like normal composition.
